How valuable has ideological analysis been in developing your understanding of the themes in your chosen films?

Introduction: Discuss ideas of audience response in relation to political or social intentions that come from the filmmaker. Explain that whilst films are often viewed as entertainment, they can also be a creative form of demonstrating or supporting an ideological standpoint. For example, some of the oldest and most famous of these come in the form of propaganda such as Sergei Eisenstein’s two 1925 films ‘Strike’ and ‘Battleship Potemkin’. Also discuss how audience members will apply their own personal ideologies to what they see on screen, making the experience a psychologically and socially active one.

Beasts of The Southern Wild: Begin by introducing the film and how it links to independent cinema. Then talk about the film’s narrative and the characters and how it was received (awards, implications about poverty etc.) Discuss the character of Hushpuppy, specifically how the film suggests a girl is still able to claim power over their surroundings despite the circumstantial conditions. Link this to how the film aspires to show sympathy for those living in third world conditions but that in doing so the narrative is ‘wrapped up’ to the extent that the film romanticises the lives of those living in a place such as this. The idea of global warming and the fact that it causes very real problems for people less fortunate than the western audiences inevitably viewing the film, is another theme that’s presented to the viewer with the intention of raising awareness and force the viewer to subjectively empathise through the film. Analyse the following sequences: the opening (firework bit), the optimistic ending, the dream sequence in which the fictional aurochs crash through the slums (symbolic ideas of global warming… explain how this stylistically subverts expectations for a film that can be considered a ‘drama’). The overall ideology presented in the film is one that attempts to be progressive and empathic and one that makes people aware of issues surrounding poverty and global warming.

La La Land: Discuss the film in general terms (its critical acclaim and mainstream presentation, the story and how it’s based around a nostalgia for an earlier time in Hollywood’s history). Quickly summarise the story and how the two protagonists of Seb and Mia are presented to the audience (their dreams and their romance and the idea the things are often sacrificed in favour of other aspirations to do with their careers). The ending is an important moment to reference when discussing how most films would have happy ending in which the protagonists would end up together whilst also being able to pursue their careers, but Chazelle choses to show how life isn’t that simple and that people sacrifice possible futures. This ‘bittersweet’ conclusion and ideology you could argue is unusual for a mainstream Hollywood romance such as this. Then discuss the characters in how they’re effectively presented as ‘underdogs’ struggling to succeed in this show business industry. Sequence: the opening and how it clearly reflects the nostalgia and indulgent stylistic elements of the story whilst also juxtaposing these ideas with the harsh reality of the industry, the ending and the dream sequence to show what ‘could have been’ and how one must compensate for things in an industry such as Hollywood (in this case a relationship). Briefly make reference to the arguably problematic decision to ignore the issues of discrimination that takes place in an industry such as this, specifically the time in which the film takes visual inspiration from.

Conclusion: Explain that both films do not simply serve as entertainment and instead a presentation of an ideology. Beasts of The Southern Wild’s aspiration is to raise awareness of certain issues and get the viewer to empathise with those less fortunate than ourselves and people discriminated upon, whilst La La Land presents ideas of sacrifice and, through doing so, may even be critiquing the landscape of Hollywood through a more personal perspective.

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